”Pitch” 有 ”上場投球”、”推銷用語”、”音調” 等不同意思。但在職場、社交、或創業上,指的是你只有短時間內,有如坐電梯短暫時間,完整地展現你的想法或是自我介紹,不僅能夠讓人留下印象,脫穎而出之外,還有機會獲得 professional network and second conversation. 這群人可能是你的面試官、客戶、合作對象,或是未來合作夥伴。但這些還不夠!不管你是在社交或職場上,掌控情緒已經不是選修課,而是在團隊裡、一段關係裡的必修課。我們可以利用大腦來調節情緒,幫助自己思考,而不是被情緒牽著鼻子走。不只 Pitching Yourself,還要展現職場 EQ!包裝自己的形象話術課程,不再是冗長制式的履歷之外,還透過角色對換、藝術與創作來自我審視和練習自己的情緒調解。好玩又充滿挑戰,讓你帶著滿滿地自信下課!
Develop Personal branding, understanding what self-pitching is, how to self-pitch, how to express your brand, 如何包裝話術, identify your value and purpose, 如何讓你的CV亮眼
林立婷 老師 Elis
Savonia University of Applied Science, Finland
Master's Programme of Digital Health
- Marking and Process Solution in Health Business
- Sales Pitch in 3 minutes
- Service Business Strategy
- Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
- Psychoanalytic, Creativity and Art Therapy
- Communication and therapeutic Counseling
- Introduction to Socially-Engaged-Arts
- Founder of Ms. Elis Lin https://mseliscom.wordpress.com/ a socially-engaged-arts project focuses on minority groups and the elderly
- 課程編號:2040136833
- 招生日期:2023-01-16 ~ 2023-02-14
- 開課日期:2023-03-03 ~ 2023-03-03
- 課程學費:5900
- 上課時間:每周五 13:00 ~ 15:30 (15節)
- 上課地點:
- 下期招生:
- 下期開課: